About Us

We started our path towards excellence in 2010 with the aim of leadership, to be the best leading company in our field, by providing the finest and latest products to meet the various needs of the customer in a professional manner, through young competencies with great experience.

The best company for manufacturing and maintaining tanks and fiberglass products in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

We worked in the Gulf Quality Factory to have leadership and be pioneers in the field because we believe that our team is specialized, coordinated and represents assets for our customers, and that we are one of the largest companies with a reputation for high quality services, exceeding customer expectations in response and manufacturing, as we focused on manufacturing high quality products Using the latest technology and the best materials suitable for all fields, to become an integrated company characterized by efficiency, effectiveness, honesty and credibility in terms of cost and service to all customers at home and abroad.

Twelve years of perseverance made us trusted by our customers and their first destination, which makes us happy to serve them.

Work Domain

In our GQF, we are keen to be distinguished by our high quality in manufacturing and marketing our products in a professional environment to achieve maximum factory performance effectively to meet the needs of our customers and in accordance with all quality standards and specifications, we obtained the Saudi Standards and Metrology Organization (SASO) certificate and ISO 9001-14001.

Our distinguished team, consisting of the most prominent talents with high experience in the field, is keen to provide all high-quality products to our customers very quickly and smoothly, within standard and specific delivery periods to achieve the maximum level of their satisfaction with honesty, credibility, high quality and imaginary speed.

Our Vision

Our integrated team, which includes the most brilliant competencies, always strives to make our company one of the first companies in the world, specialized in our field, taking steady steps towards the goal by providing products of the highest levels of quality and professionalism so that it meets primarily all the desires of our valued customers.

Our Mission

Our mission is to spread the real quality concept of our business and to provide high quality products with professionalism and distinction. We are always innovating to ensure our effectiveness and to ensure that we keep pace with the latest global developments. Perfection is what we always look forward to in the Gulf Quality Factory, using the latest raw materials and international technologies to provide everything that is best for our customers.

We Are In Numbers

Million Litters